Post Op Instructions

PROCEDURES ALERTNESS: Rover has been given an anesthetic today and will be drowsy and uncoordinated for up to 24 hours. For this reason it is important to keep Rover indoors in a quiet room and away from stairs and decks for the first night. Thereafter, if possible, keep Rover indoors for 10 days following the surgery to allow the incision to heal and remain clean.

ACTIVITY: No running, jumping, or horseplay for approximately 14 days after surgery. Short leash walks to go potty and back inside. If you feel Rover is experiencing pain and needs additional pain medications please contact our office.

INCISION: The incision should be checked daily for redness, swelling, discharge and pain. If the skin incision comes open after hours it is not necessary to have the emergency clinic resuture it. Keep the incision clean and don't let Rover lick/bother the surgery site. Call our office if you are concerned about the incision for any reason.

IV CATHETER: Since Rover had an IV catheter placed there may be bruising in this area, but it should heal quickly. If Rover has a bandage on their leg when leaving the hospital, PLEASE REMOVE THIS BANDAGE ONE HOUR AFTER ARRIVING HOME. It is important that this bandage be removed this evening to prevent swelling or damage.

SUTURE REMOVAL: Some sutures dissolve and Rover does not need to come back for suture removal. However, if you can see the sutures they will need to be removed 14 days post surgery. You will need to make an appointment for this but there is no charge to remove the sutures. Please contact our office to schedule.

FOOD and WATER: Many pets can be nauseous for the first 24 hours after a surgical procedure. It is all right to make a small amount of food and water available to Rover once he/she gets their coordination back but if he/she vomits after eating/drinking, withhold food/water until tomorrow morning.

MEDICATIONS: If Rover is not vomiting it is okay to give the medication(s) the first night. If they are nauseous, wait until the following morning. Rover was prescribed the following medications. Give as directed:

BANDAGES: If Rover goes home with a bandage on it usually needs to be rechecked by us and removed within 3 to 5 days post surgery. If you have not been given specific instructions please call. There is a fee for rebandaging. If a bandage slips down on a leg or seems to be causing discomfort or swelling remove the bandage and have Rover rechecked.

HISTOPATHOLOGY: It takes about 7-10 days for us to receive the results from Rover histopathology, at which point we will give you a call with the results. If you haven't heard from us by then please give us a call.

EMERGENCY SERVICES: Emergency services are available after hours at Cottonwood Animal Hospital located at 6360 Highland Drive, Murray, UT 84121. You can contact them at 801-278-3367. You are responsible for any fees charges by Cottonwood Animal Hospital.