Post Op Instructions - Feline Spays and Neuters

ALERTNESS: Rover has been given an anesthetic today and will be drowsy and uncoordinated for up to 24 hours. For this reason it is important to keep Rover away from stairs and decks and to keep indoors in a quiet room the first night.

ACTIVITY: If possible, keep Rover indoors for 10 days following their surgery to allow the incision to heal.

INCISION: The incision should be checked daily for redness, swelling, discharge and pain. Call our office if you are concerned about the incision for any reason.

  •  Cat spay incisions tend to have a firm but non-painful swelling about the size of a pecan half. This usually appears a few days after the surgery and gradually goes away in four to six weeks. The sutures will dissolve overtime so Rover does not need to come back to have the sutures removed. If the skin incision comes open after hours it is not necessary to visit the pet emergency room. However, it is important to keep the open incision clean and covered. You can apply a light belly bandage using an ace bandage or gauze. Make sure to bring Rover back to our clinic as soon as we are open so we can assess the incision.

IV CATHETER: If Rover had an IV catheter placed there may be bruising in this area, but it should heal quickly. If Rover has a bandage on their leg when leaving the hospital, PLEASE REMOVE THIS BANDAGE ONE HOUR AFTER ARRIVING HOME. It is important that this bandage be removed this evening to prevent swelling.

FOOD and WATER: It is all right to make food and water available to Rover once he has his coordination back. Some cats eat the first night but others may not eat for one-two days. Do not change your Rover's diet at this time and do not give junk food, table scraps, milk or any other people food for a period of one week. If Rover has an upset stomach as a result of the diet change, it could mask post-surgical complications. Contact us if Rover doesn't have an appetite for more then 48 hours or if you have any questions.


Please READ THE LABEL CAREFULLY and ensure that all medication is administered as instructed. If you are experiencing any difficulty in dosing Rover please contact us for advice.

EMERGENCY SERVICES: Emergency services are available after hours at Cottonwood Animal Clinic located on 6360 Highland Dr. Contact them ahead of time at 801-278-3367. You are responsible for all fees charged by the emergency clinic.