Why is it important to do routine or annual blood work screening on dog and cat patients?

I think there are a few important reasons to do that. One of the things that comes up quite often is animals that are on chronic medications, whether that be for pain control or to control some type of an endocrine disorder, monitoring blood work is a very helpful thing to just make sure that we're not having any unwanted side effects of those medications.

Dr. Paul Haderlie

What about animals that are not on medications?

Even for an animal that's not on medications, I think oftentimes we can pick up things early that may be something that can be easily treated or addressed that if left undiagnosed or if we don't do that routine blood work screening that can turn into something more serious later on.

What is your overall opinion on annual blood work screening?

Annual blood work screening I feel is a very important thing for diagnosing early diagnosis and early intervention of several different metabolic conditions that dogs and cats can deal with.

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