What are some common issues you see with dogs?

One of the really common issues that we see with dogs is allergies, specifically skin allergies. Skin allergies often present as a dog licking at their feet, licking at their armpit areas, scratching, ear problems, shaking their head, and scratching at their ears. Skin allergies can cause a lot of discomfort and definitely be a major quality of life issue. They can also lead to a lot of secondary skin infections, including ear infections.

Dr. Paul Haderlie

What are the main causes of skin allergies in dogs?

There are two main things that cause skin allergies in dogs: environmental causes and food allergies. Both of them are going to present in a very similar way, with the dog itching and scratching, chewing at their feet, and that type of thing.

What are some good options for controlling itchiness and skin allergies in dogs?

There are some good options for trying to control itchiness and skin allergies in dogs. There's an oral medication called Apoquel, and then there is a monthly injectable called Cytopoint that blocks the itch receptors in dogs. That can give them a lot of relief and help prevent some of those secondary infections that can occur.

Are there any dietary changes that can help with skin allergies?

Another thing that is often helpful is to put them on a skin support diet. There are hypoallergenic foods, and we can do what we call a food allergy trial where we put them on a hypoallergenic food exclusively for usually eight weeks to see how they respond. Even for dogs that don't primarily have a food allergy, some of those therapeutic foods, such as a food called DermComplete made by Hills or Science Diet, can be helpful. These foods can decrease their need for some of the medical interventions or decrease the frequency that those interventions are needed.

What should a pet owner do if they think their dog has a skin allergy?

If you think your dog might have a skin allergy, let us take a look at them and see if there's something we can do to help them out.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (801) 269-1213, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram